Booking Conditions

Check-In | Room Access Between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM

Check-in and room access are available between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

dentity and Credit Card Requirements

Guests will be required to present a photo ID and credit card at check-in.

Minimum Age for Check-In | 18 Years Old

The minimum age for check-in is 18 years old.

Check-Out | Room Departure Before 12:00 PM

Guests must check out and vacate the room before 12:00 PM on the day of departure.

Reservation Confirmation | Confirmation Upon Payment

Your reservation will be confirmed once you receive the email confirmation and make the payment.

Reservation Payment and Late Check-Out

  • The reservation payment will be processed before your arrival through a secure payment gateway.
  • We accept payment by card or cash.
  • Late check-out is available until 2:00 PM for an additional fee of €25, subject to availability. Please consult with reception.

For Any Inquiries, Please Don’t Hesitate to Contact Us: